Inglewood: The New City

Ariana Nabeta
4 min readOct 16, 2020

As a young girl, I have always been fascinated with Inglewood because of the cultural experience I have when I am in the neighborhood.

Being raised in Ladera Heights, a residential area near Inglewood, CA has given me a variety of perspectives about the outskirts of my community. From my childhood friends, community programs, local restaurants and shops I am able to interact with the natives and new residents to Inglewood, CA.

Although Ladera Heights and Inglewood, CA are very close in proximity the resources for each neighborhood differentiate significantly. Resources for healthcare, education and job opportunities can be more abundant in Ladera Heights community members compared to Inglewood residents. When COVID-19 hit Los Angeles county many people lost their jobs, healthcare benefits, income, childcare, etc. However, some individuals have not been greatly affected. My aunt has a Dental Practice in Baldwin Hills, CA and she serves patients from ladder Heights, Inglewood, South LA and other surrounding areas.

Patients are currently being seen in emergency basis and it is critical to find people are unable to pay for care. On the other hand, individuals that can pay still remain cautious with their spending habits.

“What are your primary sources for healthcare? In the event you become ill how likely are you able to seek medical attention? How would this impact your ability to pay bills?” These are specific questions I asked patients that are seeking medical services during COVID-19.

“Monthly Roster Insurance (HMO). It is only like when I am experiencing an urgent issue. Additional costs for my insurance for my insurance impacts my regular bills,” said Barbara, 63, retired.

Based on my reporting and research the community data I would like to produce is community culture and health promotion. The city of Inglewood is a low income neighborhood, however, the city is on the rise and will receive a major facelift when new businesses begin to build their presence. As business come into the community this will bring gentrification. These companies will pay their employees a salary to afford the living opposed to the majority of residents who are currently living here on government assistance.

Another patient I asked, about seeking medical care, Marvin, 43, Disabled and he responded, “Medi-Cal. Often. I suffer from pre existing medical conditions and I have to go for medical care.”

Some patients are avoiding care and this can lead to increased problems. Brandon, 26, Part-time is an example, “Medical. Rarely do I seek medical care. My insurance does not cover most things unless an emergency.” He waited until his medical concern developed into an emergency care because he was underemployed and faced with reduced hours of work from COVID-19.

The education levels are very low and not competitive compared to other locations. This will effect the resources and the way information is interpreted for this community. Only 21.2% have a Bachelor’s degree or higher which is 3/5 of the local local Los Angeles surrounding areas. On the other had, 77.4% are high school graduates which will lead to a low income or below poverty salary.

The predominant races are 38% Black and 51% Hispanic with a 52% Female population. The most common spoken languages are Spanish and English. Unfortunately, it is common for the amount or lack of resources to be determined by the demographics reflected within a community. Based on the responses and research I received so far I would like to learn more about psychological and the social environment of individuals in the community. I want to understand the public mental health and data about these citizens because this can determine the decisions some individuals make.

I will present the information I receive on multiple platforms to reach a wide range of audiences. This can include, social media, digital platforms, broadcast news coverage, attending local events or connecting with leaders in the area. Visually reporting a story is so important to current media viewers. Readers are always interested in seeing an image with a story. Images and visual reporting can be very affective and also be interpreted differently if bias. I can use powerful images that capture a story or message for my reporting or issue I want to share with the community.

Video is important, even more important than a still image because it will reflect a better reality to how the image is depicted. And audio is another factor to add credibility. People within a community deserve to be reported and have their stories shared. Especially, with the new changes of businesses and gentrification that is taking place. I enjoy the new changes for the city of Inglewood as this will be a new tourist attraction. I want to see historical culture still being presented along with new culture to bring recognition and support for the new and upcoming Inglewood.

